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Fitness Articles

Regardless of if you’re new to the world of fitness or a seasoned athlete, there’s always something interesting to learn.

Stay up to date with my latest fitness news, tips and trends.

Personal Training Service | Form Conditioning

Beauties and the Beasts

The aim of this article is to discuss key points in strength and conditioning in order to provide a practical application of how to effectively workout and to encourage woman to train more frequently when lockdown ends.

Intense Training | Form Conditioning

The Couch Stretch

Let's start with a bit of history. The couch stretch is an exercise a lot of you have been doing variations of for a long time.  

However, imagine that not many of us can do this properly in the modern day. Have a read about on how to tackle this problem.

Lifting Weights | Form Conditioning

The Dynamic Workstation

Since Covid-19 showed up, many of us were told to work from home. Funnily enough, it will probably be more common for people to work from home more often.

Therefore, check out this article and learn about specific tips you can do to have a dynamic work station at home without causing yourself too much pain.

Personal Training Services | Form Conditioning

Mission Peach

There was a song in 1992 called Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot, with the lyrics ‘’I like big butts and I cannot lie’’. Well who doesn’t? A peachy bum is a win win for everyone. However, the problem is the most people actually don’t have proper glute development, which slows down their gains. Scientific research has even shown weak glutes are a main cause for lower back pain.

Therefore, this article should help you understand more on what you can do.

Friends Who Work Out | Form Conditioning

The Gym is Your Laboratory

The modern day gym should be considered a human performance laboratory where you go to exceed in strength, speed or metabolic demands that you may need in life. Additionally, it is a place where you hunt out bad movement patterns, posture and mechanical tendency. Therefore, as a Personal Trainer, I believe it is vital we pay attention, especially to our clients, instead of being a god damn drill sergeant. 

Ready to Run | Form Conditioning |

The Butt Wink is BAD

Do you squat? Do you sit down? Most likely answer is yes. Therefore, over the easter weekend of 2020 on Isloation I wrote a simple article to help people understand, fix and monitor the butt wink.

Put it this way, if you are doing this while squatting. Soon it will be the breaking news for the bad back news channel.

Running Down Stairs | Form Conditioning |


Are you lacking energy? Do you feel sluggish getting out of bed in morning? Do you suffer from sleep problems at night? Have you tried losing weight but however hard you try those pounds are not moving? 

Then read on to find out a simple but effective tool to help out.

Running Shoes | Form Conditioning |

Circadian Rhythm

This maybe the most important thing you may read regarding your health during this isolation (except from Covid-19).

Circadian rhythm (CR) is an internal clock consisting  of 24-hour cycles, which regulate physiological functions. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in developed nations, and recent evidence suggests that alterations in CR may contribute to CVD risk.

Therefore, this needs to be addressed as right now.

Stretching Exercises | Form Conditioning |

Eat, Sleep, Drink Water, Repeat!

Since the body is around 60% water, it's quite important to stay well hydrated. If not, you end up walking around in dehydrated state, which makes you feel lethargic, headachy and annoyed.

Therefore, you need to stay on top of good habits like drinking water. Let's look at some simple facts and advice that can help out.

Barbell with Weights | Form Conditioning |


Mobility is always a so called ‘hot topic’ in the fitness industry. Everyone has their own opinion and everyone seems to contradict someone else. Now we are all cramped up in our lovely homes, you are going to start knowing how sardines in a tin must feel.

Therefore, it is important that we understand some key points with mobility, and move well. 

Rope Workout | Form Conditioning |

Don't Stop Moving

Do you remember S-Club 7 sing the lyrics to Don't Stop Moving? Well you should as it was a BANGER!

The bottom line is, we should be finding at least sometime in the day to focus on exercises aimed at improving cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle function, flexibility, mobility and balance.

Form Conditioning | Personal Training

The Kettlebell Swing

Do you own a kettlebell, or have one available in the gym?  The Kettlebell swing is one of the most used exercise within the fitness industry. 

However, do you know the key points to know if you are doing it correctly. Also, how do you know you are not doing an American swing. 

Check this article out for some great tips to help understand this move. 

Lifting Barbell | Personal Training | Form Conditioning

How to Train like an Athlete for Better Results

Have you ever felt like your gym routine is stagnant, boring and not very efficient? Have you looked at a random piece of equipment and said what does that do to help? Have you ever thought about going outside your comfort zone and seeing your true potential? Have you wondered what does Usain Bolt, Cristiano Ronaldo or Serena Williams do inside the gym?

Then dive in to see how you can spice up your workouts.

Women in Fitness Clothes | Personal Training | Form Conditioning

Foam Rolling: Pre, Post or During Workouts?

Another topic hot in the world of fitness. Take a look  at my article explaining what the foam roller is and when  to use it in your fitness workouts.

It is a tool widely underrated and extremely overused badly.

Fitness Trainer

Psoriasis - Tips how to control

I suffer from psoriasis and know the damages it can hold mentally and physically. This article helps explains ways that may help people with it to control it. 

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